
Library shelf full of books

Our academic publications are written by world-class scholars and tax experts. They are geared towards all members of the international tax community with an interest in scientific research on tax matters.

In addition, IBFD offers a host of other publications and services that will take your tax research to the next level. The expert solutions for academics on our Tax Research Platform give you everything you need to maximize your research efficiency.



World Tax Journal 

First-rate comprehensive academic research addressing international, comparative and regional taxation from a legal and economic perspective.

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International Tax Studies

Original, timely and ground-breaking studies into the paradigm-shifting topics challenging the world of taxation.

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IBFD Doctoral Series

High-level doctoral research offering new perspectives on cross-border taxation that spark the international debate.

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EATLP International Tax Series

Authoritative works contributing to the development of tax law and academic education in Europe.

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EC and International Tax Law Series

In-depth studies of European and tax treaty law, focusing on interpretation and the interaction with other branches of law.

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GREIT Series

Proceedings volumes exploring topics on European and international taxation discussed at the annual GREIT conference.

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WU Tax Law and Policy Series

The latest research results on comparative and international taxation of the WU Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law.

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TRP renewals - user with laptop
Global Tax Treaty Commentaries

The most comprehensive and authoritative source for analysis and comparison of model articles and treaty policy and practice.

Spotlight On
IBFD Yearbook on Taxpayers' Rights

IBFD's Observatory on the Protection of Taxpayers' Rights covers global developments in the protection of taxpayers’ fundamental rights.

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