30 January 2024
Webinar | Intermediate
Trends in transfer pricing of R&D and IP activities

Post-BEPS, post-pandemic corporate reorganization, whether it is driven by controversy risk mitigation or commercial necessity,…

26 September 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
The Subject-to-Tax Rule (STTR) under Pillar Two: Design, Operation and Implementation

This webinar provides an in-depth analysis of the subject-to-tax rule (STTR), one of the final components of the Inclusive…

22 August 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
Cross border disputes and dispute resolution under OECD Pillar 1 and Pillar 2

The OECD’s two-pillar solutions are expected to reconfigure international tax rules and will likely set the tone for cross-border…

3 August 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
Controversy Management and Transparency Initiatives

A wide range of transparency initiatives have been adopted by tax administrations to obtain more information about multinational…

25 July 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
Transfer pricing disputes and recent cases

Transfer pricing disputes have consistently been the most pressing issues for multinational groups in the post-BEPS era, as…

13 July 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
Cross-border tax disputes and recent cases

The ever-expanding level of globalization has led to an increase, among other things, in cross-border business activities. Cross…

1 June 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
Recent developments in transfer pricing

Multinational groups operating centralized business models are facing new challenges in the post-BEPS, post-pandemic era to align…

16 May 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
Effective international tax dispute resolution

Cross-border tax disputes are on the rise in the post-BEPS era with an increasing risk of double taxation. This webinar will…

4 May 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
Beneficial ownership and related controversies

This webinar addresses the importance of the concept of “beneficial ownership” or “beneficial owner” (BO), the rationale behind…

18 April 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
PE Risks and Opportunities in International Tax Structuring in the Post-BEPS Era

A permanent establishment can be a tax risk as it often leads to more taxes and compliance obligations, but a permanent…

6 April 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
Post-BEPS practical tax treaty application

Unsure how to assess whether tax treaties can be applied to reduce your tax burden? Need to learn how to challenge positions…

28 March 2023
Webinar | English | Intermediate
Post-BEPS holding, finance and IP Companies in international tax structuring

This webinar explains the impact of OECD/G20 BEPS Action Plan on common international tax structures for holding activities,…