Online Tax Course | Introductory
Fundamentals of the GloBe Rules - Pillar Two

The Globe Anti-Base Erosion Model (GloBE) Rules relate to the levying of a top-up tax under Pillar Two up to a minimum rate of 15…

Online Tax Course | Introductory
Fundamentals of US Corporate Taxation

This course provides participants with an essential overview and comprehensive understanding of the US tax system, with…

Online Tax Course | Intermediate
Mergers and Acquisitions – International Tax Aspects

This course explores the tax implications of (international) Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) transactions, covering each step of…

Online Tax Course | Introductory
Principles of International Business Taxation

Cross-border trade and investment is crucial for many enterprises. One of the risks involved is potential double taxation. This…

Online Tax Course | Intermediate
Transfer Pricing Aspects of Corporate International Tax Structuring

Transfer pricing considerations are critical in corporate tax structuring from the strategic planning perspective as well as from…

Online Tax Course | Intermediate
Tax Treaty Aspects of Corporate International Tax Structuring

Tax treaties play an important role in the international tax structuring of multinational groups. This course examines the…

Online Tax Course | Intermediate
Cross-Border Corporate Tax Structuring

This course provides an in-depth understanding of cross-border corporate tax structuring practices in the post-BEPS environment…