VAT News

Argentina: - Withholding system Armenia: - Deferred VAT on importation Aruba: - Group registration - Non-profit institutions - Exports Australia: - Tax avoidance by charities Austria: - Intra-Community supplies to Bulgaria and Romania Belarus: - Input tax deduction - Place of supply of services - Property rights - Customs fees - Diplomatic immunities - Reduced rate - Lost goods - Work on residential property - Simplified tax system Belgium: - VAT groups - Paperless customs and excise duty declarations Bosnia and Herzegovina: - Registration Brazil: - Infrastructure development - Biodiesel - Research on human medicines - Broadcasting equipment Canada: - Travellers' exemption - GST returns - Meals - School buses - Intangible personal property - Exports of intangible personal property - 2010 Winter Olympics - Retail sales tax - Interest rate - Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program Cape Verde: - Taxable amount Central African Republic: - Registration threshold - Cash receipts - Penalties - Exemptions Czech Republic: - Finance lease - Intangible services - Gifts and samples - Refunds of excess input VAT Dominican Republic: - Consumption tax - Taxable base - Insurance - Alcohol and tobacco - Vehicles European Union: - Infringement procedure - Tax amnesty - Italy - Infringement procedure - Audio books - Sweden - Ecofin - VAT fraud - Reverse charge mechanism - EU Council meeting - Reverse charge mechanism - United Kingdom - Action: Case T-29 Lactalis Gestion Lait and Lactalis Investissements v. the Council of the European Union France: - Cost-sharing associations - Fiducie Indonesia: - Oil, gas and mining industry Ireland: - Hire purchase - Place of supply - Intermediary services - Registration threshold - Open-market value - Connected parties - Input tax deduction - Hotel accommodation - Flat-rate farmers - VAT groups - Secondment of staff Italy: - Refund of VAT on motor vehicles - Deduction of VAT on motor vehicles - Listing of suppliers and purchasers - Group treatment - Infringement procedure - Tax amnesty Kazakhstan: - Standard rate - Concession-related exemptions - Importation of vessels - Gold and platinum - Residential property - Refund period - Fraudulent entities - Consolidated financial statements - Overpaid penalties - Official address - Appeals Laos: - Introduction of VAT Luxembourg: - -Management of special investment funds - Depositary services Malaysia: - Customs Appeal Tribunal Morocco: - Business assets Netherlands: - Peepshows are not part of Dutch culture Peru: - VAT refunds - Recovery of VAT - Formal conditions - Exportation of goods - Exportation of services Poland: - Residential property Romania: - Importation of goods Russia: - Withholding VAT - Separate accounting - Return of goods - Foreign currency - Supplies to and from Belarus - Standard rate of VAT - Tax incentives for innovation South Africa: - Objections to penalties or interest - Rulings - Record keeping - Dispute resolution - Publications issued by the SARS Sweden: - VAT returns - Open-market value - Infringement procedure - Audio books Switzerland: - Analytical services - Customs Act - Retail export scheme Thailand: - Standard rate Tunisia: - Rates - Refunds United Kingdom: - Smoking cessation products - Registration threshold - Adjustment period - Reverse charge and third-party liability - Hire purchase - Input tax deduction - Invoicing requirements - EU Council meeting - Reverse charge mechanism United States: - Outsourcing tax law writing - Michigan single business tax Venezuela: - Exemptions - Standard rate