Algeria:- Deduction of input taxArgentina: - Meshes against hail- Maintenance of waterways- Refund of VAT- Payments by debit cardsAustralia:- Global roamingAustria:- Infringement procedures - Reduced VAT rateBelgium:- Electronic and broadcasting services- Travellers' allowances- Assessment period- Tax collection- Contract research by universities Bosnia and Herzegovina:- Diplomatic immunities - IPABrazil:- Tax amnesty- Deadlines for payment of federal taxes- Crediting federal taxes against CITBulgaria:- Thresholds- Acquisition VAT- Travellers' allowances- Exchange of goods- Business restructuring- Investment goldCanada:- Interest rate- FNGST extended- 2010 Winter Olympics- Non-resident security accountsChina (People's Rep.):- Consumption type of VAT- Rates of VAT- Business tax- Tax periods- Filing and payment deadlines- Reorganization SATCzech Republic:- Proposed Decision - Territorial scopeEstonia:- Reduced VAT rateEuropean Union:- Council Directive and Regulation - VAT fraud- Proposed Directive and Communication - VAT fraud- VAT fraud - Directive - Opinion European Parliament- VAT fraud - Regulation - Opinion and Report European Parliament- VAT fraud - Directive and Regulation - Opinion EESC- Travellers' allowances- Proposed Decision - Territorial scope - Czech Republic and Germany- VAT rates- Infringement procedure - Provision of personnel - Netherlands- Infringement procedure - Transposition of two Directives - Italy- Infringement procedure - Children's items - Poland- Infringement procedures - Reduced VAT rate - Austria, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Netherlands- Reduced VAT rates - Ecofin- Reduced VAT rates - Ecofin (2)- Insurance and financial services - Ecofin- Invoicing - Study and report- VAT collection and control procedures - Report- Postal Directive - Working document- List of gold coins - 2009- ERA Conference - Fifth VAT ForumFrance:- Refunds of VAT- Collectors' items- Overseas economic development- Infringement procedures - Reduced VAT rateGermany:- Proposed Decision - Territorial scope- Infringement procedures - Reduced VAT rateGrenada:- Tax amnestyIreland: - Standard rateItaly:- Cash accounting method- Penalties on voluntary settlement- Pay TV- Renovation of dwellings- Crediting excess input tax- Use of identification numbers - Non-resident entities - Letting of immovable property- Contribution of lease contracts to real estate fund- Infringement procedure - Transposition of two Directives Korea (Rep.):- Administrative obligationsKyrgyzstan:- New Tax CodeLatvia:- VAT rates- Travellers' allowances- New buildings- Authors- Compensation of VAT claimsLithuania:- Rates of VATLuxembourg:- Payment codes- Infringement procedures - Reduced VAT rateMadagascar:- Budget for 2009Malta:- InterestMoldova:- Online filingMorocco:- Registration thresholdNetherlands:- Standard rate- Quarterly VAT returns- Infringement procedure - Provision of personnel - Infringement procedures - Reduced VAT rateNew Zealand:- Treasury briefingPhilippines:- Directors' remunerationPoland:- Transfer of a business- Call-off stocks- Fairs and exhibitions- Correcting invoices- Used goods- Exports- Postponed accounting- Non-deductible input tax- Bad-debt relief- Refunds to new taxable persons- Quarterly VAT returns- Additional tax liability- Registration threshold- Perpetual usufruct- Gifts of low value- Reverse charge mechanism- Supply of imported goods- Work on goods- Documentary evidence - Deduction of input VAT- Infringement procedure - Children's itemsPortugal:- Reduced rate- Bad-debt relief- Option for taxation of sublease- Donations- Place-of-supply rules - Refund procedure- Refunds of VAT- Reverse charge mechanismRomania:- Residential property- Import VAT- Groups- Supplies of buildings- Option for taxation- New VAT return- Incidental intra-Community acquisitions- Travellers' allowanceRussia:- Amendments to the VAT chapter of the Tax Code- Deferred payment- Recovery of VAT - Real estate and capital goods- Non-resident suppliers- Sales bonuses- Accelerated refundsSouth Africa:- VAT fraudSpain:- Refunds of VAT- Transfer of businesses- Taxable person- Bad-debt relief- Import VAT- Travellers' allowances- Low-value importsSri Lanka:- Registration threshold- VAT rates- Deduction of input tax- ExemptionsSudan:- VAT ratesSweden:- VAT compensation- Letting of commercial buildings- VAT groupingTurkey:- Refund of input VATUkraine:- Agricultural businessesUnited Kingdom:- Standard rate- InterestUnited States:- State compliance review- Cheap clothingVenezuela:- Invoices relating to utilities- Exonerated importsVietnam:- Rates of VAT- Exemptions- Deduction of input VAT