- Judgment: Case C-437/97 (1) Evangelischer Krankenhausverein Wien (Protestant Hospital Society, Vienna) v. Abgabenberufungskommission (Tax Appeals Commission) and (2) Ikera Warenhandelsgesellschaft m.b.H. v. Oberösterreichische Landesregierung (Regional Government of Upper Austria) - Judgment: Joined Cases C-110/98 to C-147/98 Gabalfrisa SL and Others and Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT) - Order: Case T-178/99, Sonia Marion Elder and Robert Dale Elder v. Commission of the European Communities - Opinion: Case C-142/99 Floridienne SA and Berginvest SA v. Belgian State - Opinion: Case C-408/98 Abbey National Plc v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise - Opinion: Case C-454/98 Schmeink & Cofreth AG & Co. KG v. Finanzamt Borken and Manfred Strobel v. Finanzamt Esslingen - Action: Case C-356/99 (sic) Sonia Marion Elder and Robert Dale Elder against the Commission of the European Communities - Action: Case C-404/99 Commission of the European Communities against the French Republic - Preliminary question: Case C-498/99 Town and Country Factors Ltd. against Commissioners of Customs and Excise - Preliminary question: Case C-16/00 Cibo Participations S.A. against Directeur Régional des Impôts du Nord-Pas-de-Calais - European Commission starts VAT infringement procedure against Greece