Judgments:- Judgment of 3 September 2009: Case C-2/08 Amministrazione dell'economia e delle Finanze and Agenzia delle Entrate v. Fallimento Olimpiclub Srl- Judgment of 3 September 2009: Case C-37/08 RCI Europe v. Her Majesty's Commissioners of Revenue and Customs- Judgment of 22 October 2009: Case C-242/08 Swiss Re Germany Holding GmbH v. Finanzamt München für Körperschaften- Judgment of 6 October 2009: Case C-267/08 SPÖ Landesorganisation Kärnten v. Finanzamt KlagenfurtOpinions:- Opinion of 3 September 2009: Case C-230/08 Dansk Transport og Logistik (DTL) v. Skatteministeriet- Opinion of 10 September 2009: Case C-262/08 CopyGene A/S v. SkatteministerietNew Cases:- Preliminary ruling: Case C-222/09 Kronospan Mielec sp. z o. o. v. Dyrektor Izby Skarbowej w Rzeszowie- Action: Case C-228/09 Commission of the European Communities v. Republic of Poland- Preliminary ruling: Case C-237/09 Etat Belge v. Nathalie De Fruytier- Preliminary ruling: Case C-248/09 SIA Pakora Pluss v. Valsts ienemumu dienests- Preliminary ruling: Case C-270/09 Macdonald Resorts Limited v. The Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs- Preliminary ruling: Case C-276/09 T-Mobile (UK) Ltd v. The Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs- Preliminary ruling: Case C-277/09 The Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs v. RBS Deutschland Holdings GmbH- Preliminary ruling: Case C-285/09 Criminal proceedings against R- Preliminary ruling: Case C-292/09 Isabella Calestani v. Agenzia delle Entrate Ufficio di Parma- Preliminary ruling: Case C-293/09 Paolo Lunardi v. Agenzia delle Entrate Ufficio di Parma- Action: Case C-311/09 Commission of the European Communities v. Republic of Poland