Judgments: - Judgment of 27 September 2007: Case C-184/05 Twoh International BV v. Staatssecretaris van Financiën - Judgment of 27 September 2007: Case C-146/05 Albert Collée v. Finanzamt Limburg an der Lahn - Judgment of 27 September 2007: Case C-409/04 Teleos plc and Others v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise - Judgment of 11 October 2007: Joined Cases C-283/06 KOGÁZ rt, E-ON IS Hungary kft, E-ON DÉDÁSZ rt, Schneider Electric Hungaria rt, TESCO Áruházak rt, OTP Grancia Biztositó rt, OTP Bank rt, ERSTE Bank Hungary rt, Vodafone Magyarország Mobil Távközlesi rt v. Zala Megyei Közigazgatási Hivatal Veztöje and C-312/06 OTP Garancia Biztositó rt v. Vas Megyei Közigazgatási Hivatal - Judgment of 18 October 2007: Case C-97/06 Navicon SA v. Administración del Estado - Judgment of 18 October 2007: Case C-355/06 J. A. van der Steen v. Inspecteur van de Belastingdienst Opinions: - Opinion of 13 September 2007: Case C-401/06 Commission of the European Communities v. Germany - Opinion of 18 September 2007: Case C-368/06 Cedilac SA v. Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie New Cases: - Preliminary ruling: Case C-357/07 TNT Post UK Ltd v. Commissioners of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs and Royal Mail Group Ltd - Preliminary ruling: Case C-371/07 Danfoss A/S and AstraZeneca A/S v. Skatteministeriet - Preliminary ruling: Case C-414/07 MAGOORA Sp. z o.o. v. Dyrektor Izby Skarbowej w Krakowie