Judgments:- Judgment of 18 June 2009: C-566/07 Staatssecretaris van Financiën v. Stadeco BV- Judgment of 11 June 2009: Case C-572/07 RLRE Tellmer Property s.r.o. v. Finanèní reditelství v Ústí nad Labem- Judgment of 4 June 2009: Case C-102/08 Finanzamt Düsseldorf-Süd v. SALIX Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Offenbach KGCourt's Orders:- Order of 5 February 2009: Case C-119/08 UAB Mechel Nemunas v. Valstybinè mokesciu inspekcija prie Lietuvos Respublikos finansu ministerijosOpinions:- Opinion of 29 April 2009: Case C-7/08 Har Vaessen Douane Service BV v. Staatssecretaris van Financiën- Opinion of 18 June 2009: C-174/08 NCC Construction Danmark A/S v. Skatteministeriet- Opinion of 13 May 2009: Case C-242/08 Swiss Re Germany Holding GmbH v. Finanzamt München für KörperschaftenPresident's Orders:- Order of 11 March 2009: Joined Cases C-53/09 Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs v. Loyalty Management UK Limited and C-55/09 Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs v. Baxi Group LimitedNew Cases:- Action: Case C-41/09 Commission of the European Communities v. Kingdom of the Netherlands- Preliminary ruling: Case C-58/09 Leo-Libera GmbH v. Finanzamt Buchholz in der Nordheide- Action: Case C-79/09 Commission of the European Communities v. Kingdom of the Netherlands- Preliminary ruling: Case C-88/09 Graphic Procédé v. Ministère du budget, des comptes publics et de la fonction publique- Action: Case C-94/09 Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic- Preliminary ruling: Case C-97/09 Ingrid Schmelz v. Finanzamt Waldviertel- Preliminary ruling: Case C-103/09 The Commissioners for Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs v. Weald Leasing Limited- Preliminary ruling: Case C-175/09 Her Majesty's Commissioners of Revenue and Customs v. Axa UK plc