This overview highlights the Commission’s (i) plan to adopt a Taxation Package in June 2023; (ii) presentation of the Green Deal Industrial Plan (iii) publication of the public consultation report on the initiative to tackle the role of enablers of tax evasion and aggressive tax planning in the European Union; (iv) urging of Spain to properly implement the EU Tax Dispute Resolution Mechanism (v) call on 14 Member States to fully transpose DAC7 into national law; (vi) letter of formal notice to Italy for failure to comply with EU rules on social security coordination; (vii) action against Malta regarding vehicle taxation legislation; (viii) closing of the infringement procedure against Greece regarding non-communication of ATAD measures implementing rules on hybrid mismatches, (ix) closing of the infringement procedure against Luxembourg regarding inheritance tax reduction for company shares (x) closing of the infringement procedure against France regarding discriminatory taxation of EU-sourced dividends; (xi) closing of the infringement procedure against Germany regarding rules on taxation of unrealized capital gains; (xii) closing of the infringement procedure against Austria regarding rules on indexation of family benefits; (xiii) closing of the infringement procedure against Romania regarding refund of car registration taxes collected in breach of EU law; (xiv) closing of infringement procedure against Portugal regarding registration tax of second-hand vehicles; and (xv) approval of amendment and prolongation of German risk finance scheme to support small, young and innovative companies.