Tax Polymath

A Life in International Taxation

Tax Polymath: A Life in International Taxation
This book comprises a selection of papers presented at a conference in honour of John Avery Jones which was held on 22 and 23 April 2010 in London.

Why this book?

This book comprises a selection of papers presented at a conference in honour of John Avery Jones which was held on 22 and 23 April 2010 in London. The conference brought together experts in international and UK domestic taxation from around the world to celebrate Dr. Avery Jones's contribution to the fiscal arena to mark his 70th birthday and forthcoming retirement as Judge of the First and Upper Tier Tax Tribunals.

The participators of the conference were drawn almost exclusively from three groups: the International Tax Group (ITG) of which Dr. Avery Jones was one of the founder members; the Advisory Group on the OECD Model; and UK tax academics. The papers reflect Dr. Avery Jones's many areas of interest, covering both international taxation and various aspects of UK domestic taxation. Many of the papers drew their inspiration from Dr. Avery Jones's academic writings or from his contribution as a tax judge.


Sample excerpt, including table of contents


Brian J. Arnold, Hugh Ault, Philip Baker, Peter H. Blessing, Luc De Broe, Carol A. Dunahoo, Maarten J. Ellis, Michael Lang, Jean Pierre Le Gall, Jinyan Li, Jürgen Lüdicke, Daniel Lüthi, Guglielmo Maisto, Toshio Miyatake, Angelo Nikolakakis, Jacques Sasseville, Henri Torrione, Frans Vanistendael, Kees van Raad, David A. Ward †, Bertil Wiman, Katrien Willoqué.