Prof. Jan de Goede receives International Fiscal Association (IFA) Honorary Membership

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Peter Barnes, IFA President, and Cecile Riphagen, Head IFA secretariat, bestow prestigious honour at IFA General Assembly.

Jan de Goede

Prof. Jan de Goede, Senior Principal, Tax Knowledge Management at IBFD  received an Honorary Membership for his longstanding involvement and exceptional contribution. Peter Barnes, IFA President, and Cecile Riphagen, Head IFA secretariat, presented the illustrious honour.

Prof. De Goede’s association with IFA (71 country branches and circa 13,000 members) started in October 1979, after his graduation (and prior to joining the military), when he decided to become an IFA member in order to maintain his connection with international tax. 

He has, for instance, been involved in the selection and supervision of 12 IFA researchers doing research in preparation for topics for future Congresses, delivered presentations at local IFA branches and advocated IFA membership to tax professionals and students in many countries, when being there for IBFD.

He describes his IFA membership “as a journey of personal and professional enrichment” and thanks IFA and IBFD for this. Prof. De Goede states, “I highly recommend that young tax professionals become an active member of our sister organization and its Young IFA Network to develop their network and expertise in a great environment of dedicated and pleasant colleagues!”