Our Taxonomy enhanced for you!

1 minute read

We have made our Tax Research Platform easier for our customers to access by improving the classification of its main tax concepts.

IBFD Taxonomy

The update is based on detailed analysis of tax systems worldwide, and the main improvements are:

  • broad and time-sensitive concepts like BEPS and taxation of the digitalized economy (Pillar One and Pillar Two) are covered through underlying specific tax concepts;
  • new taxonomy branch that helps filter tax aspects relating to specific industry sectors, such as oil and gas, banking and capital markets;
  • tax aspects of Permanent Establishments, Holding Companies and Mergers & Acquisitions are now an integral part of the Corporate Taxation taxonomy branch; and
  • enhanced accessibility of content using the Topic Search selection filter.

Throughout 2023, relevant documents on the Tax Research Platform will be classified in relation to new concepts under VAT, MLI/BEPS, transfer pricing and more.

What is the Tax Research Platform?

Our unique online portal provides you with the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of worldwide tax information, giving you all you need to address your daily tax challenges!

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