New IBFD book brings clarity to the taxation of crypto-asset transactions

1 minute read

Today, IBFD has launched the new book Taxing Crypto-Asset Transactions: Foundations for a Globally Coordinated Approach.

IBFD launches new book on Taxing Crypto-Asset Transactions

In a special launch event, Associate Professor Shaun Parsons gave an insightful overview of the book and was presented with a special copy by Belema R. Obuoforibo (Director IBFD Knowledge Centre) and Craig West (Managing Editor, World Tax Journal and IBFD Doctoral Series).  

“This book presents a systematic analysis of the classification within the international tax system of a comprehensive range of crypto-asset transactions. The book brings much-needed clarity to navigating this complex topic,” said Shaun Parsons.

He continued, “It may also support the development of a globally coordinated approach and assist individual jurisdictions in developing comprehensive domestic responses to the taxation of crypto-asset transactions”.

The launch took place during a free public seminar on the topic of the BEPS Multilateral Instrument (MLI), which was part of the IBFD teaching week for the International Tax Masters programme of the University of Cape Town.

Learn more about the book