IBFD’s Leading Journals Accepted into Scopus Index
We are proud to announce that six of our journals have recently been accepted into the Scopus index. The journals are the Bulletin for International Taxation, European Taxation, the International Transfer Pricing Journal, International VAT Monitor, International Tax Studies (ITAXS) and the World Tax Journal.

The acceptance of IBFD’s journals in Scopus is a significant accomplishment for the organization, as it reinforces the quality and prestige of our publications. The inclusion of IBFD’s journals in Scopus will enhance the visibility of the journals and make them more accessible to a global audience.
This achievement is important for authors, who will benefit from increased recognition and funding opportunities. It also provides a platform for researchers to submit their work and contribute to the growing body of knowledge on international tax law.
“We are very pleased to have our journals accepted into Scopus”, said Jan Maarten Slagter, CEO of IBFD. “The inclusion of our journals in this prestigious database demonstrates our commitment to providing high-quality publications and our dedication to advancing the field of international tax law. We look forward to further contributing to the research community through our publications.”
Scopus is a renowned abstract and citation database for journals that provides researchers, librarians, research managers and funders with access to article, author, and journal level metrics.
For more information about IBFD’s journals, please visit our webshop.