IBFD Academic Journals Now Available on HeinOnline Platform

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We are pleased to announce that two of our academic journals, the World Tax Journal and International Tax Studies (ITAXS), are now available on HeinOnline, a prestigious US-based journal platform.

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The inclusion of IBFD journals is a significant achievement that will not only benefit US-based scholars but also expand the reach of our journals to a global audience.

According to Jan Maarten Slagter, IBFD CEO, “the addition of IBFD’s academic journals to HeinOnline is a significant milestone for us. We are thrilled to be part of such a prestigious law journal library platform, and we believe that this will enhance the visibility of our journals and attract a broader readership. We are confident that our journals’ inclusion in HeinOnline will benefit the US-based authors and contribute to the growth of international tax law research.”

HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library has comprehensive coverage of over 2,700 legal periodicals and is distributed in North America, the United Kingdom, and Commonwealth countries.

For more information about IBFD’s journals, please visit our webshop.

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