IBFD Abstract Journal Now on SSRN
IBFD is excited to announce the launch of its abstract journal on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) repository, with abstracts from two of our publications.

Joining SSRN with our abstract journal means that the influential research produced will benefit from greater dissemination. The SSRN abstract journal has been launched comprising all issues, including past issues, of two of our academic publications, namely the World Tax Journal (WTJ) and International Tax Studies (ITAXS). They will be hosted under SSRN’s Partners in Publishing Journals within the Legal Scholarship Network (LSN).
Through this initiative, the works of authors writing with IBFD will gain more visibility and reach new audiences. In this way, their research on international tax issues will have the potential for broader impact.
Prof. Dr Craig West, Managing Editor for the WTJ, offered the following statement: “The inclusion of the WTJ and ITAXS abstracts on SSRN speaks directly to the mission of IBFD in striving for the dissemination of knowledge on international tax matters. Academic authors in particular benefit from the increased visibility of research that SSRN offers and the improved prospects of citation.”
Explore the IBFD abstract journal, now available on SSRN, by clicking here.