Graduation Ceremony Advanced LLM and Distinguished Lecture in International Tax Law
Update: As per the start of the academic year 2022/23, the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA) will discontinue their cooperation on the Advanced Master's in International Tax Law. The University of Amsterdam will then assume sole responsibility for the LLM programme and intends to continue to offer it under the accreditation granted under Dutch higher education regulations.
We are very proud to have established a world-class programme together. The University of Amsterdam and IBFD will otherwise continue their long-standing relationship outside the framework of the Advanced Master, both at the institutional level and through individual staff.
University of Amsterdam
International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation
At the end of each academic year, we organize jointly with the UvA a graduation ceremony for our LLM students and the Distinguished Lecture in International Tax Law, delivered each time by IBFD’s Professor in Residence.

This year, the events will take place on Thursday, 26 August 2021. The graduation ceremony will be hosted at the UvA premises, in the morning, while the Distinguished Lecture will be delivered in the afternoon at the historic building of the Agnietenkapel, which is a regular setting for PhD defence ceremonies of the University of Amsterdam, in Amsterdam.
On that day, the 2020/21 class will be honoured and the IBFD Best Thesis Award and ACTL Best GPA Award will be given. During the Distinguished Lecture, IBFD’s Professor in Residence for 2021 will address a hot topic in International Tax Law