Enhancements to Integrated Text of EU VAT Directive
1-minute read
We have enhanced IBFD’s integrated text of the EU VAT Directive with cross-references to the Implementing Regulation and the renowned commentaries of the European VAT Directives.

We have enhanced IBFD’s integrated text of the EU VAT Directive with cross-references to the Implementing Regulation and the renowned commentaries of the European VAT Directives.
To ensure optimum readability for users of the IBFD Tax Research Platform who are interested in EU VAT provisions, we made the following enhancements:
- Cross-references to the Implementing Regulation (282/2011) in IBFD’s integrated text of the EU VAT Directive (2006/112), in addition to the existing cross-references to domestic VAT provisions of the EU Member States
- The new cross-references are presented as context links
- You may compare the various provisions side by side
- Inclusion of helpful article (section) references to the renowned Terra/Kajus commentaries on the EU VAT Directive
For more details or a free demo, please contact sales at sales@ibfd.org.