GloBE, taxing rights and VAT on cross-border transactions, all from China’s perspective
We are pleased to invite you to our complimentary Online International Tax Conference. The theme for this special event is GloBE, taxing rights and VAT on cross-border transactions, all from China’s perspective.
The half-day event will be held on 27 October from 14:00 to 17:00 (CST/Beijing time) / 08:00 to 11:00 (CET/Amsterdam time) and will cover three unmissable topics.

The focus of this year’s conference is on Pillar One and Pillar Two. Our event differentiates itself from similar events by addressing these topics from a Chinese perspective.
The turmoil around the world has not impaired the cooperation of countries to revamp the international tax system. The global collaboration on international taxation continues. More than ever, countries are determined to work together to deal with tax challenges arising from digitalization of the economy by reaching agreements on Pillar One and Pillar Two, despite the many difficulties, technical or otherwise. As a leading international taxation centre, we have monitored the developments, gathered and disseminated the information, and facilitated discussions on the two-pillar project.
As the second-largest economy in the world, China is indispensable in achieving the objectives and the implementation of the two-pillar project. Currently, we know that China supports the project, as scholars and tax officials are studying and debating the proposals and developments. We hope that this year’s conference will shed more light on the position, impact and potential issues in respect of China.
Moreover, tax challenges arising from digitalization also involve VAT. Since Chinese VAT has special features and is extremely important in doing business with China, we have invited an expert to provide some practical information in this regard.
Event Programme
Opening address
Mr Victor Van Kommer, IBFD Executive Board and Head of Tax Training
Panels and Technical Presentations:
A. Impact of Pillar Two on China
With a focus on:
- Impact of Pillar Two on China in general
- Pillar Two and Chinese existing tax incentives
- Compliance issues
Speaker: Mr Hans Pijl, IBFD
B. Reallocation of taxing rights
With a focus on:
- Reallocation of taxing rights under Pillar One
- Reallocation of taxing rights under the new article 12A of the UN Tax Model Convention
- Reallocation of taxing rights under the new article 12B of the UN Tax Model Convention
Speaker: Ms. XIONG Yan, Deputy Director-General of International Taxation Department of the STA
C. Chinese VAT on cross-border transactions
With a focus on:
- Special features of Chinese VAT and new draft of the Value Added Tax Law
- Cross-border transactions on the provision of services
- Refund policies on export
Speaker: Mr Kevin Zhou, Tax Partner, EY China
Q&A Session
Hosted by:
Mr Victor Van Kommer, IBFD Executive Board and Head of Tax Training
Mr Shiqi Ma, Head of IBFD China Office and Principal Associate
All the speakers will be present to answer questions from the audience.