9th Africa Tax Symposium

29 - 31 May 2024
Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya


We are proud to announce that the 9th Africa Tax Symposium will be held in the vibrant city of Nairobi, Kenya, 29-31 May 2024!


Registration closed

map of africa



The upcoming 9th Africa Tax Symposium anticipates thought-provoking examination of crucial issues shaping the fiscal landscape. Our programme will explore international tax intricacies, analyzing recent developments and emerging issues. 

During the symposium we will shine a spotlight on the pressing issues surrounding Africa’s response to the Global Minimum Tax, tax treaty and transfer pricing developments within the continent demanding adept navigation through the complexities of legislation and policy shifts. We will also discuss trade, investment, and domestic resource mobilization in Africa, exploring opportunities, obstacles, and practical perspectives pivotal for fostering economic growth. The symposium will conclude with a reflection on Africa's capacity to shape the international tax agenda in an era of evolving fiscal paradigms.

The symposium promises once again to be a crucible of thought leadership and practical insights, propelling Africa towards a more resilient and equitable tax future.

Download the programme

Useful Information

Sponsors are most welcome. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact IBFD events to receive more information.


Le Symposium fiscal africain est le principal forum de discussion sur les questions de fiscalité internationale pertinentes pour l'Afrique. Unique en son genre, le Symposium fiscal africain adopte une approche multidimensionnelle, rassemblant des perspectives issues de la politique, de la pratique, de l'administration, de l'industrie et du monde universitaire.

Le Symposium fiscal africain, qui en est à sa neuvième édition, s'est forgé une réputation de débats de grande qualité grâce à un large éventail d'orateurs acclamés. Les participants au Symposium fiscal africain viennent de toute l'Afrique, représentant un réseau mondial de professionnels de la fiscalité et de leaders d'opinion.

La neuvième édition du Symposium fiscal africain se tiendra à Nairobi, au Kenya, du 29 au 31 mai 2024. 

Voir le programme

Pre-Symposium Masterclass
Enhance your tax expertise by participating in our exclusive Masterclass on 27-28 May, titled "Selected Issues on International Taxation and Transfer Pricing." Immerse yourself in focused sessions that will offer you a platform to learn, share, and debate the most pressing issues in international taxation and transfer pricing from an African taxation perspective. This unique opportunity will be delivered by world-leading experts.

Regular rate
USD 655 (excluding VAT)

Kindly note, if you work for one of the following groups you may be entitled to receive a discount: Officials from African government departments, Officials from African tax authorities and IBFD authors and correspondents. Please contact IBFD events to receive your promotional code which you will need before purchasing. 


Event Programme

Humphrey Wattanga
Commissioner General, Kenya Revenue Authority
Jan Maarten Slagter
Chief Executive Officer, IBFD
Belema Obuoforibo CTA ATT (Fellow)
Director, IBFD Knowledge Centre, Chair, Centre for Studies in African Taxation (CSAT), & Member, IBFD Executive Board
Aisha Aize Isa
Manager, Centre for Studies in African Taxation (CSAT), & Managing Principal, Africa Middle East Knowledge Group, IBFD 
Walter Andreoni
Partner, Mercanti e Associati, Italy
Prof. Jonathan Aremu
Professor of International Economic Relations, Covenant University, Nigeria
Mary Baine
Deputy Executive Secretary, African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF)
Laila Benchekroun 
Head of International Taxation and Cooperation Division, Moroccan General Tax Administration, & Member, CSAT External Advisory Committee
Tiziana Cantoni
Regional Account Manager, IBFD Sales Department
Abdul Muheet Chowdhary
Senior Programme Officer, South Centre Tax Initiative, South Centre, Geneva
Emmanuel Eze
Senior Advisor International Taxation, African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), South Africa
Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili
Senior Economic Adviser, Africa Economic Development Policy Initiative (AEDPI), Founder and President, Human Capital Africa (HCA), Founder and Board Chair, School of Politics Policy and Governance (SPPG), Board Chair, Women Political Leaders (WPL), & Member, Board of Trustees, IBFD
Mathew Gbonjubola
Group Lead, Special Tax Operations Group, Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), 
Co-Chair, United Nations Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters
Prof. Dr. Johann Hattingh
Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town, & Chief Editor, Bulletin for International Taxation, IBFD
Monique van Herksen
Partner, Tax and Transfer Pricing, Simmons & Simmons, Amsterdam
Michael Hewson
Director, Graphene Economics, South Africa, and Member, Transfer Pricing Economists for Development
Dr. Anna Jerzewska
Founder and Director, Trade & Borders, United Kingdom
Christine Kahema Muthui
Founder and Director, Alpha Tax and Business Advisory Services, Kenya
Member, CSAT External Advisory Committee
Kehinde Kajesomo
Deputy Director, Treaties & International Tax Policy Division, Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS)
Wageni Kimani
Manager, Brand & External Communication,
Kenya Revenue Authority
Martin Kisuu
Founder, Taxwise Africa Consulting, Kenya
Dr. Esther A. P. Koisin
Executive Director, Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA)
Prof. Dr. Victor van Kommer
Director, IBFD Tax Services Department, & Member, IBFD Executive Board
Prof. Des Kruger
Consultant, Webber Wentzel Attorneys, South Africa
George Kwatia
President, West African Union of Tax Institutes (WAUTI)
Dapo Ladimeji
President, International Fiscal Association (IFA) Africa
Catherine Lemesle
Secretary General, Cercle Réflexion Échange Dirigeants Administrations Fiscales (CREDAF)
Redempta Maira
Senior Tax Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Tanzania
Kalale Mambwe 
Project Manager, Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB), OECD
Sabrine Marsit
Managing Senior, Africa Middle East Knowledge Group, IBFD
Kudzai Mataba
Tax and Investment Policy Expert, IGF Mining 
Titus Mukora
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Kenya
Jacinta Muriithi
Group Tax Manager, Kenya Airways 
Emily Muyaa
Chief, Capacity Development Unit, UNDESA-FSDO, United Nations
Dr. Mugambi  Mwirigi
Commissioner, Kenya School of Revenue Administration, Kenya Revenue Authority
Hon. Aboubacar Nacanabo
Minister of Economy, Finance and Development, Ministry of Finance, Burkina Faso
Yvette Nakibuule Wakabi
Senior Associate, Africa Middle East Knowledge Group, IBFD 
Daniel Ngumy
Partner, Head of Tax, Anjarwalla & Khanna Advocates, Kenya
Luis Nouel
Manager, Africa Middle East Knowledge Group, IBFD
Emeka Nwankwo
Acting Senior Manager, Member Services, African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF)
Dieudonné Nzafashwanayo 
Tax and Corporate Partner, ENS Africa
George Obell
Chief Manager of Transfer Pricing Audits, Kenya Revenue Authority
Nikki Oberholzer
Head of Tax, Coca-Cola Beverages Africa, South Africa
Sebastine Odimma
Head of Tax Controversy, A.P. Moller-Maersk
Prof. Annet Oguttu
Professor of Taxation, Director of the African Institute, University of Pretoria
Andrew Harun Ogutu
Africa Tax Lead, International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group
Babatunde Oladapo
Executive Secretary, West African Tax Administration Forum (WATAF)
Duncan Onduru
Independent Tax Consultant, UNDP/OECD Roster Expert, Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB)
Lena Onyango
Partner, Tax and Exchange Control, Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr (CDH), Kenya
Hon. Irene Ovonji-Odida
Commissioner, Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT)
Dr. Zach Pouga
Partner, International Tax and Transaction Services, Ernst & Young, USA
Dr. Achim Pross
Deputy Director, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA), OECD 
Carlos Gutiérrez Puente
Senior Principal Associate, Capacity Building Department, IBFD
Maari Sarr
Tax Manager, Gambia Revenue Authority
CS. Rispah Simiyu FCCA EBS
Commissioner for Domestic Taxes, Kenya Revenue Authority
Fabiola Ssebuyoya
Partner, Bowmans Tanzania
Salifou Tiemtore 
Director, Customs Union and Taxation, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Caine Wanjau
Co-founder, Namari Technology


14:00–17:00 Arrival & Registration  

18:00–21:00 Welcome Reception

08:00–09:00 Registration of Participants

09:00–09:50 Opening Ceremony  

  • Welcome Addresses
  • Goodwill Messages
  • Welcome by CSAT Committee Member
  • Keynote Speech: Tax Administration in the Age of Globalisation

09:50–10:30 Photo Session & Tea Break        

10:30–12:00  Session 1
An Overview of the Current International Tax Landscape – Recent Developments and Emerging Issues 

12:00–13:30 Lunch Break

13:30–15:00 Session 2 
Implementing the Global Minimum Tax: Challenges and Prospects for Africa 

15:00–15:30 Tea Break 

15:30–17:00 Session 3 
Tax Treaty Developments in Africa: Navigating Current Complexities   

17:00–17:05 Day 1 Closing Remarks    

17:05–17:25 Spotlight: The IBFD Tax Research Platform

09:00–09:05 Opening Remarks 

09:05–10:35 Session 4 
Transfer Pricing in Africa: Recent Developments – Cases, Legislation, and Policy Issues

10:35–10:40 Spotlight: The West African Union of Tax Institutes (WAUTI) 

10:40–11:05 Tea Break

11:05–12:35 Session 5 
VAT on Cross-Border Digital Trade: Overcoming Practical Hurdles in Africa

12:35–14:00 Lunch Break

14:00–15:30 Session 6 
Trade and Investment in Africa: Opportunities, Obstacles, and Practical Perspectives

15:30–16:00 Tea Break

16:00–17:30 Session 7 
Host Country Focus: Effective Dispute Prevention and Resolution in Kenya

17:30–17:35 Day 2 Closing Remarks    

19:30 Symposium Gala Dinner 
Dress Code: Evening Dress / Traditional African Dress

09:00–09:05 Opening Remarks    

09:05–09:20 Special Address: Tax Administration in Africa – Past, Present, and Future 

09:20–10:50 Session 8 
Building a Sustainable System for Domestic Resource Mobilisation

10:50–10:55 Spotlight: The International Fiscal Association (IFA)

10:55–11:20 Tea Break

11:20–11:35 Presentation: The Global Tax Landscape 

11:35–13:05 Session 9 
Global Tax Governance: A Stronger Voice for Africa?  

13:05–13:30 Closing Ceremony 

  • Vote of Thanks
  • Closing Remarks by the Chair, IBFD Centre for Studies in African Taxation

13:30 Post-Symposium Activities

  • Lunch
  • Collection of Attendance Certificates
  • Tours (privately arranged) 

14:00–17:00 Arrivée et inscription  

18:00–21:00 Réception de bienvenue

08:00–09:00 Inscription des participants

09:00–09:50 Cérémonie d'ouverture  

  • Discours de bienvenue
  • Messages de bonne volonté
  • Accueil par un membre du comité CSAT 
  • Discours d'ouverture: L'administration fiscale à l'ère de la mondialisation             

09:50–10:30 Séance photo et pause thé      

10:30–12:00 Session 1

Un Aperçu du Paysage Fiscal International Actuel – Évolutions Récentes et Enjeux Émergents 

12:00–13:30 Pause déjeuner

13:30–15:00 Session 2

Mise en œuvre de l'impôt minimum mondial : Défis et Perspectives pour l'Afrique        

15:00–15:30 Pause thé  

15:30–17:00 Session 3

Évolution des conventions fiscales en Afrique : Naviguer les complexités actuelles    

17:00–17:05 Remarques de clôture du premier jour 

17:05 - 17:25 Pleins feux sur la plateforme de recherche fiscale de l’IBFD 

09:00–09:05    Allocution d'ouverture 

09:05–10:35 Session 4

Prix de transfert en Afrique: Développements récents - Cas, Législation et questions politiques

10:35–10:40 Focus: Pleins feux sur l'Union des instituts fiscaux de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (UIFAO) 

10:40–11:05 Pause thé

11:05–12:35 Session 5

La TVA sur le commerce numérique transfrontalier: Surmonter les obstacles pratiques en Afrique 

12:35–14:00 Pause déjeuner

14:00–15:30 Session 6

Commerce et investissement en Afrique : Opportunités, Obstacles et Perspectives pratiques

15:30–16:00 Pause thé

16:00–17 :30 Session 7

Focus sur le pays d'accueil: Prévention et Règlement efficaces des différends fiscaux au Kenya 

17:30–17 :35 Jour 2 Mot de la fin 

19:30 Dîner de gala du symposium
Code vestimentaire : Tenue de soirée / Tenue africaine traditionnelle

09:00–09:05 Allocution d'ouverture 

09:05–09:20 Discours spécial: L'administration fiscale en Afrique - Passé, présent et futur 

09:20–10:50 Session 8

Mise en place d'un système durable pour la mobilisation des ressources intérieures 

10:50–10:55 Focus: L'Association Internationale de la Fiscalité (IFA) 

10:55–11:20 Pause thé

11:20–11:35 Présentation: Le paysage fiscal mondial 

11:35–13:05 Session 9

Gouvernance fiscale mondiale : Une voix plus forte pour l'Afrique ?  

13:05–13:30 Cérémonie de clôture

13:30 Activités post-symposium 

  • Déjeuner
  • Collecte des attestations de présence
  • Visites guidées (organisées à titre privé)                                                         



Safari Park Hotel front

This year's symposium will be held at the Safari Park Hotel. A unique quiet oasis among the hustle and bustle of Nairobi, it offers the perfect setting to relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature whilst being a short drive from the city. 
Set within pristine landscaped private gardens, the hotel is located only 12 km from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO), and 12 km from Nairobi city centre. As well as outstanding facilities, the hotel also offers plenty of services to unwind at the end of a busy day. 

Delegates are kindly requested to make their own hotel and travel arrangements. If you do wish to stay at the Safari Park Hotel, please mention that you are attending the Africa Tax Symposium when contacting them reservations@safariparkhotel.co.ke

Important information. Nairobi is hosting a large conference during the same week as the Africa Tax Symposium. We strongly advise you to book your travel and accommodation without delay!